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The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...
An Ingrown toenail is when the corner or side on a toenail grows into the flesh. Any toe can be affected, but usually the big toes are often the ones that develop Ingrown toenails. At The Sunset Foot Clinic aka Happy Foot Sad Foot Doctor, we can treat the Ingrown...
Fungal toenails are painful, but more importantly, they cause you to be embarresed and self-conscious about being in sandals and walking in bare feet. Buth with the FDA approved PinPointe Laser we can fix that. Clinical studies have shown that the laser significantly reduces toenail fungal infection, resulting in clearer...